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Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Worlds ten largest militaries

In an increasingly unstable and polarized world, the importance of a nations security cannot be highlighted enough. Here's where the soldier steps in, chest jutting out and head held high, as he marches in step with his country's strategic and military needs.And as armies around the world prepare themselves for any eventuality, we take a look at the 10 largest and 10 smallest armies in the world. People's Republic of China:With the largest active...

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Top 10 Most Expensive Cars Ever Sold

10. 1904 Rolls Royce 10 HP Two-Seater ($7.25 million) Let’s start with an incredibly old car which, to date, remains the most expensive Rolls-Royce ever sold at auction. It’s also the most anyone has ever paid for a car made before 1905, which admittedly is less impressive once you realize that, prior to that date, you basically had the Model T and automotive equivalents of bathtubs equipped with wagon wheels. Still, it’s hard not to see...

10 Weird Sensory Marketing Tricks Companies Use On Us

It is a well known fact that your memory and smells are tied closely together (this is called the Proust phenomenon). More than pictures or sounds, a scent can really bring back memories and invoke emotions. Companies know this all too well and make use of scents and sounds to jolt your brain into liking or enjoying something. The true secret of successfully marketing a product is to pair a store or a product with a specific scent. If you feel...

top ten movies in the world

top ten movies in the world: have you watched these top ten movies in the world ,if not watch them and enjoy the beauty of the movie and learn many things from these movies. ...

9 top beach resorts in the South China Sea

Vietnam, China, Malaysia and Philippines might be fighting over a few remote, uninhabitable atollsand guano heaps deep in the South China Sea, but on most islands the sun rises and sets as beautifully as ever. At these top regional resorts, you can be securely pampered like a movie star -- or senior party official.  Vietnam Six Sense Con Dao's celebrity guests have included Brad and Angelina. Six Senses Con Dao Once a notorious...

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